
Title Speaker Speaker's Afflication Date Host
Energy-Efficient Computing in the Dark Silicon Era Prof. Tulika Mitra National University of Singapore 2016-12-12 Eric Yun Liang
Reliable Matrix Computations via Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance Dr. Zizhong Chen UC Riverside 2016-12-08 Eric Yun Liang
Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Opportunities Dr. Qi Zhu UC Riverside 2016-12-06 Guojie Luo
GPUOpen: An AMD Initiative for Ground-Breaking Graphics and Compute Prof. Huiyang Zhou North Carolina State University 2016-10-31 Eric Yun Liang
Initial Experiences with Deploying FPGA Accelerators in Datacenters Dr. Zhenman Fang UCLA 2016-10-25 Guojie Luo
Android IO stack optimization Prof. Youjip Won Hanyang University 2016-09-27 Guangyu Sun
Towards Scalable Spectral Sparsification of Graph Laplacians and Integrated Circuits Prof. Zhuo Feng Michigan Technological University 2016-09-07 Eric Yun Liang
MPI+MPI: Using MPI-3 Shared Memory as a MultiCore Programming System for Extreme Scale Systems Prof. William Gropp UIUC 2016-08-25 Jason Cong
The New Progress of Supercomputers in China and the Challenges of the Applications 陈左宁院士 中国工程院 2016-08-25 Jason Cong
Towards Fast and Flexible Multipath TCP on Smart Devices Dr. Feng Qian Indiana University Bloomington 2016-08-18 Chenren Xu
Optimizing under Abstraction with the LEAP Memory System Dr. Joel Emer NVidia 2016-06-14 Tao Wang
Reliable and Energy-Efficient Circuit Design in the Era of Internet of Things Prof. Deming Chen University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 2016-05-26 Eric Yun Liang
Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Computing-Architecture, Methodology and Design 尹首一副教授 清华大学 2016-04-14 Guojie Luo
Fault tolerance for emerging technologies, emphasized in 3D ICs and CNFET circuits 蒋力博士 上海交通大学 2015-12-24 Guangyu Sun
Information Centric Networking on Wheels (IC NoW) - Architecture and Protocols Dr. Fan Bai General Motors Global R&D 2015-12-11 Chenren Xu
Base stations are interesting computer systems Prof. Lin Zhong Rice University 2015-12-08 Chenren Xu
Smart Home Cybersecurity: Threat and Defense in a Cyber-Physical System Prof. Shiyan Hu Michigan Technological University 2015-11-26 Guojie Luo
密码芯片抗旁路攻击技术及SoC低功耗技术 单伟伟副教授 东南大学 2015-10-28 Guangyu Sun
On the Deployment of On-Chip Noise Sensors Prof. Yiyu Shi University of Notre Dame 2015-10-27 Guojie Luo
Applications of Information Technology in United States Healthcare Dr. Jim K Omura dataFascia Corporation 2015-10-13 Yuan Xie
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