2017年10月,中心王韬老师、吕松武老师(兼职教授)与其指导的博士生吴浩洋、硕士生李志伟、丁博岩、李晓光、博士后刘君、以及普渡大学的助理教授彭春翌、UCLA的博士生袁增文、谈兆炜、李元杰合作论文"The Tick Programmable Low-Latency SDR System"获得了MobiCom'17最佳社区论文奖(Best Community Paper Award),热烈祝贺!
MobiCom是移动计算与无线网络领域顶级会议。MobiCom'17会议从186篇投稿中录取了35篇论文(录取率18.8%),在接收的论文中,一篇被授予最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award)、一篇被授予最佳社区论文奖(Best Community Paper Award)。其中,最佳社区论文奖用于表彰对于本领域的研究社区(research community)做出了突出贡献的工作。
Haoyang Wu, Tao Wang, Zengwen Yuan, Chunyi Peng, Zhiwei Li, Zhaowei Tan, Boyan Ding, Xiaoguang Li, Yuanjie Li, Jun Liu, Songwu Lu. "The Tick Programmable Low-Latency SDR System" (MobiCom 2017), October 16-20, 2017, Snowbird, Utah, USA.
关于最佳社区论文奖(Best Community Paper Award):
We will also have an award called the Best Community Paper Award. Among all accepted regular papers, the program committee will select one that contributes the most to the broader research community in terms of real data or new software/hardware or artifacts.