2017年10月18日,许辰人老师指导的中心本科生吴越-黎才华,沈洋-徐燮阳以“Smart RF Table Enables IoT on a Desk”和“LightPark: A VLC Solution for Smart Parking”为竞赛项目参加了在ACM MobiCom'17 Student Research Competition(SRC)的比赛,分获银牌和铜牌,热烈祝贺!
关于Student Research Competition:
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft, offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research before a panel of judges and attendees at well-known ACM-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences.
Recognizing the value of student participation at conferences, ACM started the program in 2003, but it is much more than just a travel funding program. The ACM SRC provides participants a chance to meet other students and to get direct feedback on their work from experts.
This year's competitions took place at 24 participating conferences, sponsored by SIGACCESS, SIGARCH, SIGCHI, SIGCOMM, SIGCSE, SIGDA,SIGDOC, SIGGRAPH, SIGHPC, SIGMIS, SIGMOBILE, SIGPLAN, SIGACT, SIGSAC, SIGSOFT and SIGSPATIAL and included more than 330 student participants.
The program is administered by Nanette Hernandez at ACM, Dr. Laurie Ann Williams at North Carolina State University, and Dr. Evelyne Viegas at Microsoft, Redmond, WA.