中心吕松武老师(兼职教授)、王韬老师指导学生合作论文“MobileInsight: Extracting and Analyzing Cellular Network Information on Smartphones”获Mobicom'16最佳社区论文奖(Best Community Paper),祝贺!
Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Jiayao Li, Zengwen Yuan, Haotian Deng, and Tao Wang, "MobileInsight: Extracting and Analyzing Cellular Network Information on Smartphones," in Proceedings of the ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2016), October 3-7, 2016, New York, USA, pp. 202-215.
ACM MobiCom 2016, the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, is the twenty second in a series of annual conferences sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE dedicated to addressing the challenges in the areas of mobile computing and wireless and mobile networking. The MobiCom conference series serves as a highly selective, premier international forum addressing networks, systems, algorithms, and applications that support mobile computers and wireless networks. In addition to the regular conference program, MobiCom 2016 will include a set of workshops, panels, research demonstrations, and a poster session that includes the ACM Student Research Competition. This year again, MobiCom plans to feature the mobile app competition succesfully introduced two years ago. The conference will be held in New York, USA.
关于Best Community Paper Award:
We will also have an award called the Best Community Paper Award. Among all accepted regular papers, the
program committee will select one that contributes the most to the broader research community in terms of real
data or new software/hardware or artifacts.