
英国帝国理工大学Wayne Luk教授来访中心并作报告



     2010年12月10日,英国帝国理工大学Wayne Luk教授来访中心并作了题为“Reconfigurable Computing Research at Imperial College London”的学术报告。


Abstract: This talk provides an overview of current research on reconfigurable computing at Imperial College London. Recent advances in reconfig urable device architecture, model-based optimization, and run-time reconfigurable design will be described. Future research challenges will also be covered

Biography: Wayne Luk is Professor of Computer Engineering at Imperial College London. He founded and leads the Computer Systems Section and the Custom Computing Group in Department of Computing, and was Visiting Professor at Stanford University and Queen's University Belfast. His research interests include reconfigurable computing, field-programmable devices and systems, and design automation. He received a Research Excellence Award from Imperial College London, and eleven awards for his publications from various international conferences. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the BCS.