报告人:Dr. Deming Chen
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
时间:2019年5月28日 星期二 16:00
Many envision that artificial intelligence will usher in the next iteration of technology revolution, where humans and machines will work side-by-side to augment, enhance, or accelerate our ability to analyze, learn, create, observe, and think. Meanwhile, many emerging IoT (Internet of Things) applications are driven by the fast creation, adaptation, enhancement, and acceleration of various types of machine-learning algorithms and models, including deep neural networks. To realize such grand visions and overcome the intrinsic challenges, customized computing accelerators stay as essential enablers. One particular type of accelerator is FPGA, which has created a rapidly growing trend of accelerating computation for both cloud and edge computing recently. Although FPGAs can provide desirable customized hardware solutions, they are difficult to program and optimize. We will present a series of effective design techniques for implementing machine learning algorithms on FPGAs with high performance and energy efficiency. We will also study an important aspect of IoT -hardware security - and present some of our recent progress on this topic. The talk ends with future prospects on reconfigurable computing, machine learning and hardware security, and how they can collaborate and conspire to deliver new technical breakthroughs for the future.
Dr. Deming Chen obtained his BS in computer science from University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1995, and his MS and PhD in computer science from University of California at Los Angeles in 2001 and 2005 respectively. He joined the ECE department of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2005. His current research interests include reconfigurable computing, system-level design and high-level synthesis (HLS), machine learning algorithm design and acceleration, and hardware security. He has given more than 110 invited talks sharing these research results worldwide. Dr. Chen has been a technical committee member for a series of top conferences and symposia on FPGA, low-power design, EDA, and VLSI systems design. He is or has been an associated editor for seven leading IEEE or ACM transactions or magazine. He obtained the Arnold O. Beckman Research Award from UIUC in 2007, the NSF CAREER Award in 2008, and eight Best Paper Awards for several groundbreaking works, such as FCUDA, HLS, Award in 2010, and IBM Faculty Award in 2014 and 2015. In 2017, he lefast hardware design space exploration, and DNNBuilder. He received the ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty d a team to win the first place of DAC International Hardware Design Contest in the IoT domain. He is included in the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent in 2008 and 2017. He is also involved with several startup companies, including co-founding Inspirit IoT, Inc. in 2016. He is the Donald Biggar Willett Faculty Scholar of College of Engineering, an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Speaker, and the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS).