Jan. 13, 2017 -Dr. Wei Tan from IBM visited CECA and gave a talk on "Matrix Factorization on GPU: A Tale of Two Algorithms".
Dr. Guangyu Sun received the 3rd prize at PKU yourth faculty teaching skills competition. Congratulations!
Jan. 5, 2017 - CECA 2016 postgraduate award ceremony was successfully held at Room 2736, Science Building No.2.
Jan. 6, 2017 - Dr. Xiang Chen from George Mason University (GMU) visited CECA and gave a talk on "Challenges and Opportunities of Mobile Development".
December 22, 2016 - Peng Wang successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis. Congratulations!
Dec. 12, 2016 - Prof. Tulika Mitra from National University of Singapore(NUS) visited CECA and gave a talk on "Energy-Efficient Computing in the Dark Silicon Era".
Dec. 8, 2016 - Dr. Zizhong Chen from University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside) visited CECA and gave a talk on "Reliable Matrix Computations via Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance".
Dec. 6, 2016 - Dr. Qi Zhu from University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside) visited CECA and gave a talk on "Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Opportunities".
Dr. Chenren Xu's Work on Energy-efficient Smart Glass In-view Recognition is featured on IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Dr. Yun Liang led PKU team place 6th at Student Cluster Competition, SCC. This is the first time when PKU participated at the competition. Congratulations!